Every Season of Gilmore Girls Is About to Hit Netflix

Publicado originalmente no site: http://www.eonline.com/news/577991

Quarta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2014, 04h56 PM

Sidney Bucksbaum

If you just reached that horrible moment in your Netflix binge-watch when you finish a series and don't know what to watch next, do not freak out. We repeat, do not freak out!

Everyone's favorite show, Gilmore Girls, is about to become available on the streaming site! And we're not talking just one season, either.

Netflix will have every. Single. Season. Yeah, we know, this is just the best news ever.

Mark/clear your calendars now, because according to Decider, you'll be able to return to Stars Hollow as soon as Oct. 1!

So let your loved ones know that you'll be unavailable and essentially dead-to-the-world when Oct. 1 rolls around, because once you start your binge-watch, you won't be able to stop until you've re-watched all seven seasons of the WB cult classic series.

Or, if you're one of the few TV fanatics who have yet to see Gilmore Girls for the first time (we know you're out there!), get ready to finally rectify that huge mistake this fall so we can stop judging you. It's for your own good, we promise.

Gilmore Girls starred a pre-Parenthood Lauren Graham as single mother Lorelai Gilmore to a pre-Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Alexis Bledel, who played Lorelai's daughter Rory, and their extremely close mother-daughter relationship was the envy of all mothers and daughters everywhere. The series ran from 2000-2006 on the WB and 2006-2007 on the CW.

Graham recently revealed that she's down for a Gilmore Girls reunion on the big screen. "Yes, IF a movie version could be as good as we'd all want it to be, I'd love to play that character again," Graham said in a Reddit AMA.

But if we can't get a Gilmore Girls movie, we'll settle for a complete series re-watch. Thanks, Netflix!

Which season/episode are you most excited to revisit?


  1. nossa, essa série é realmente muito bem escrita! e a amy sherman-palladino escreve os melhores diálogos. pena que o conteúdo da netflix gringa seja tão diferente da netflix brasil. não sei nem se o fato de estrear na netflix americana seja indicativo de que também possa estrear por aqui. imagino que entusiastas e fãs de séries como essas possam criar novas comunidades ao se relacionarem com elas a partir desse distanciamento de tempo, seja participando nos coments de reviews em blogs ou em sites especializados como o avclub, ou mesmo ressucitanto personagens e histórias nas redes sociais. a relação de espectatorialidade e a recepção não serão as mesmas de quando foram exibidas na tv a cabo, é claro, mas a disponibilização desse conteúdo via netflix, para ser asssitido quando e como quiser parece uma potencialidade nesse sentido, mesmo que se vá assistir a esse conteúdo 6 anos depois do fim da série.


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